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Writer's pictureAlbert Laszlo

Join Plastic free July!

For more information about the challenge, visit this website:

Because it is lightweight and durable, plastic has become part of our everyday lives and can be found in almost any industry, but because of its durability, it endangers our environment as it can stay in the same shape for up to 500 years.

But what can we do in the war on plastics? First and foremost, the goal is to reduce the amount of disposable plastics and packaging materials that make up the majority of household waste.

The use of these products is deeply ingrained in our habits, which are hard to overcome and cannot be changed at the same time. The goal of a plastic-free July is not to exclude the use of all plastics from our lives at once because it is impossible to do so, but to address this problem and individually exclude the use of certain plastics from our lives that overwrite our habits in a month.

Let's start with small changes, the next time you drink a refreshing lemonade, don't ask for a straw, don't ask for plastic essays when ordering food, or take a linen bag for vegetables and fruits with you for your next purchase.

We still have a lot of changes to make in our lives to live a truly plastic-free July, but over time, many little ones will gather up and go a long way

Follow our page for more tips on how to reduce the amount of plastic we use, and tell your friends how to change your habits and what alternatives you’ve found for certain products.

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